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Types of Services

Individual Counseling

In certain situations a student may need to meet one-on-one with a counselor to address an immediate or ongoing concern that may not be suitable for sharing in a group.  Professional counselors provide the knowledge and expertise to address these issues and help the student through what might be a trying time. 

Group Counseling

Some students have difficulty with social situations and interactions and benefit from counseling in a group setting. By sharing with their peers in a structured setting, they learn the skills and behaviors necessary to get along better with others as well as providing support to others who may be sharing the same concerns and issues.

As-needed Counseling

Some students may be doing well emotionally and academically, but may be struggling with a temporary situation that can make their school experience difficult. We provide As-needed counseling for those students to help them move beyond the difficulties they are experiencing and provide them the skills necessary to maintain their emotional well-being.

Crisis Intervention & Behavior Management

Teachers and parents need extra support at times in order to manage student behavior at home or in the classroom. We are trained and qualified in administering and suggesting appropriate interventions as needed in those settings. In some situations, more intense and immediate intervention is needed; we use data-driven and research-based techniques for such.

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